Ella is a multidisciplinary artist working with paint, film, photography and performance. Her primary focus is painting, informed by the complexity of gender and mixed ethnic identity. Ella observes people, their behaviour, temperament and clothing, questioning their display and social ‘performance’. Ella's semi-fictional portraits, in real and imagined scenarios, play with fact and fiction in an attempt to understand her own sense of 'being'.
“A Faint blue hue, broken blinds blinking, our eyes dry with midnight air”
‘Sleep Painting', 2020, watercolour on paper, 17.5 x 13.5cm
“I am drawn to the relationship between strength and vulnerability, and the beauty I find in it. These two paintings are part of a series observing sleep and the colours, mood and emotion at moments of low light.”
“I see painting as primarily a visceral activity, especially when considering the body.”
'Tepid', 2020, watercolour on paper, 17.5 x 13.5cm